Same-day medical certificates and referral letters. General medical letters to access private specialist care.
UK and International
Same-day fit-to-work certificate, required to confirm an actor or model is fit to work.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day allergy medical certificate, required to confirm allergies and medications that you require to have on standby.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day medical letter, required to support the application or renewal process for a Blue Badge.
Availability: UK Only:
Same-day disability medical letter, required to confirm a disability and its impact on your day-to-day life.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day referral letter, required to access private specialist care, investigations or imaging.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day fit-to-work certificate, required to confirm you are fit to return to your place of work or start a new role.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day gym and health club cancellation certificate, required to suspend or cancel your membership due to a medical condition.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day vaccine medical exemption certificate, required to confirm the vaccine you cannot be given.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day medical exemption certificate, required to confirm a health condition and its impact on your activities.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day housing support medical letter, required to confirm a condition, and how your housing or living environment impacts your health.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day international, yellow fever vaccine exemption certificate, required to confirm you cannot be given the yellow fever vaccine.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day pregnancy confirmation certificate, required to confirm your expected delivery date and current gestation.
Availability: UK ONLY