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Event & Activity Cancellation Certificate


Same-day event and activity cancellation certificate, required to confirm sickness or a health condition and its impact on your plans.

Availability: UK and International

Availability: Deliverable Immediately

Event and activity cancellation certificate

If you have been sick or have a health condition that has affected your plans to attend an event or take part in an activity, you may require a medical certificate to cancel or reschedule your arrangements.

By uploading video evidence, our doctors can provide you with a same-day event and activity cancellation certificate that will confirm your medical condition and whether your condition is ongoing or resolved. No appointment is needed – simply apply online.


What will I receive?

You will receive a verifiable digital PDF letter signed by a medical professional and sent directly to your mobile, containing the following details:

Your name and date of birth.

The sickness or medical condition that requires you to cancel your plans.

When symptoms started and if they are ongoing or if you are now recovered.

Signature and authorisation by one of our GMC-registered UK doctors.

Contact details of ZoomDoc Health with a QR code enabling a verification check.

Meet our Doctors

How to get an Event and activity cancellation certificate online

Upload a video and complete a questionnaire

Upload by 9pm for same-day service. This should be a 30 second – 1 minute video explaining your symptoms and condition.

Doctor validates evidence

Our doctors will look over the evidence you provide.

same day turn around

Receive your letter, same day

You’ll receive an email with your letter, with a QR code so they can be verified and accepted worldwide.



What will I need to supply?

To allow us to assess your condition and issue a medical certificate, we will require the following information:

A photo of your passport

Confirmation of when your sickness or condition started

Whether your sickness is ongoing, or you are now recovered

A 30-second to 1-minute video describing your medical symptoms

Details of your regular NHS GP (if you have one)

Send us a message

If your query is not answered below - please send us a message via the form below.

Frequently Asked Questions

We will require you to:

✓ Upload a photo of your passport

✓ Complete a medical questionnaire

✓ Upload a short video (on your mobile) explaining the reasons why you need an event and activity cancellation certificate

Our medical letters have QR codes that can be scanned to verify the document's authenticity.

Once scanned, your personal online results portal is loaded, from where your medical letter can be reviewed and personal details confirmed.

We only provide full refunds if we are unable to provide a medical letter.

Once our doctors have provided a medical letter, we are unable to process a refund.

Our team will review your evidence and provide your certificate on the same day that evidence has been uploaded (between 9am and 9pm GMT, 7 days a week).

Our UK doctors at ZoomDoc Health sign your event and activity cancellation certificate.

We are a UK-regulated healthcare service and the certificate can be used internationally.

All our doctors are registered with the UK General Medical Council.

The future of same day medical letters