Same-day travel and holiday certificates, required to confirm sickness or a health condition and its impact on your travel plans.
UK and International
Same-day medical fit-to-fly certificate, required by your airline to prove scabbed-over chickenpox is no longer infectious.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day medical recovery certificate, required to confirm you are fully recovered from COVID-19 and fit to travel.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day travel and holiday cancellation certificate, required to confirm sickness or a health condition and its impact on your travel plans.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day disability medical letter, required to confirm a disability and its impact on your day-to-day life.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day travel with medication letter, required to confirm your medicine is prescribed to you and needed while travelling overseas.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day medical fit-to fly certificate, required to confirm that both you and your baby are safe to travel.
Availability: UK ONLY
Same-day vaccine medical exemption certificate, required to confirm the vaccine you cannot be given.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day fit-to-cruise medical certificate, required to confirm you are fit to travel by cruise ship.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day medical certificate of good health, required when applying for international visas. Spain, Thailand, South Africa, South Korea, Barbados, Bermuda and worldwide.
Availability: UK Residents
Same-day international, yellow fever vaccine exemption certificate, required to confirm you cannot be given the yellow fever vaccine.
Availability: UK and International
Same-day medical certificate of good health for your child, required if they are due to attend a youth camp, trip or travel.
Availability: UK